Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why, hello November. Aren't you early?

This month is definitely sneaky. I think it's because I'm always so busy looking forward to Halloween, I forget it's also the last day of October. I can't believe I've lived in Ireland for two and a half months. This past week was rough, emotionally and physically. I got sick Tuesday night into Wednesday and went to the doctor on campus on Wednesday morning. There's nothing like being ill to make one lonely. I'm very needy when I'm not feeling well, and having no one to comfort me was difficult. I've made great friends here, but they aren't Julian or my mother. I may be gluten intolerant, which is bad because I love cereal far more than the average person. I love bread, but limit it from my diet because it's not healthy in large amounts. But cereal, that is something I will be very sad about losing if necessary. Frosted shredded wheat have a special place in my heart. As a result of my ill health, I also had to miss the Tilly & the Wall concert I was looking forward to, and for which I had already bought a ticket. By Friday, I was feeling well enough to go to a Halloween party, thankfully, because I love dressing up. I went as Juno, but I couldn't eat any of the candy or pizza. I'm proud of myself for that willpower.
Today I've been attempting to write my literary theory paper. It's on the expansion of the English literary canon in relation to different theories. I keep getting far too side tracked from it, but it isn't due until Thursday. My Latin test went well on Thursday. I have an 18th C. Literature exam on Monday; I'm planning on writing on The Rape of The Lock. The English department doesn't have classes next week because of exams, but I still have Classics, Latin and Jazz. I really wish I had a keyboard in my room. It's rather difficult to make myself walk 30 minutes away to practice.

This month is going to be jam-packed. This coming week is devoted to school and that following weekend will be laid-back. However, the next weekend, I'm off to Milan. The week after, I will receive essay titles for my second lit crit paper, and plan on knocking-it out that weekend... Then Julian will be here!! I'm trying not to look forward to the end of the month too much, as I'd prefer to take each day as it comes and not wish for time to speed up. But how can I not be anxious for his arrival? We're also going to Nice, which will be rather nice.

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