Wednesday, October 15, 2008

School as of late

Today I took my final exam for the early start course in Irish Literature, and I'm happy to say that I'm confident it was a success. Once again, over preparation reigns. I turned in my Elizabeth Bowen paper and creative assignment (travel journal-esque composition) last week; thus nothing remains for that course, and I can finally focus solely on this semester.
My Critical Literary Theory professor always uses Wuthering Heights as an example in his lectures, as he thinks everyone's read it. So I've been reading it before bed and when I have a few extra minutes, because I've never read it before. It's really good and has been sidetracking me from my actual reading assignments. Oh Heathcliff.
Tomorrow morning, I have a Latin quiz, Lit Theory, and Jazz ensemble. It's difficult to practice piano, because it takes 25 minutes to walk to the music department, so I need at least two hours time if I'm to get there, practice long enough and get back... It was pouring after my exam today, so I ducked into the library and studied Latin for a little while, thinking I'd go to the music department when the rain abated. Yet it was too late by that time, and I just came home. I have to leave in 2o minutes for hockey practice. We're supposed to be going out to pizza after wards, but I don't want to stay too long because my quiz tomorrow is at 9am. It also takes at least a half an hour to walk home from the pizza place.
Friday Michelle and I are leaving Cork around 9:30 to head to Shannon Airport and then on to Paris! I'm beyond excited. What interests me most is the prospect of comparing my memories as an 11 year old to my perception of the city now.

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