Monday, October 27, 2008

no guacamole

For dinner tonight, I was going to make myself some guacamole. When I cut open the avocado, however, it was not ripe enough. With no other ideas, I just decided to caramelize some onion in olive oil, and see what happened when I threw in diced tomato; I then decided to add in garlic. It was pretty much a hot version of non-avocado guacamole. Adding a little more olive oil and letting it sit on the heat, the tomato became more of a tomato paste. I cooked up some cous-cous and mixed in my creation. It was fabulous.

Friday, October 24, 2008

UCC, Killarney, Inis Meain and Paris

Nicho.Le.Monade presents the photographic highlights from her travels thus far!

University College, Cork:

the old back gates, before the school outgrew the original campus

the president's office

the main quad, which includes some classrooms, hello hogwarts!

the student center, where I usually gravitate for tea
and reading after class

the O.R.B, where many humanities classes are held,
including my Latin course


one of the lakes in Killarney National Park

ruins of Muckross Abbey

This tree grows in the center of
the ambulatory, where monks in the
sixteenth century took walks.

sitting in an entrance to the ruin

our spot for lunch

the driveway leading to my future home

the back view of Muckross House

We found a little ruin off in the woods.

I was really excited about it and climbed
up on the wall for a photo.

Killarney is stunning.

Coole Park:

Inis Meain:

on the ferry leaving the mainland

the sun setting over the Atlantic

abandoned tea kettle

just in case people don't remember
they're on an island. . .

close-up of the famous rock-walls

a curagh, traditional island row boat

thatched roofing


the tower from across the seine

random tree house

l'arc de triomphe

the obelisk

Dans Le Louvre:

I was hiding my arms to mirror Venus,
but you can't see them anyway.

I took a picture like this when I was 11. The
only noticeable difference, sadly, is the length
of my hair.

a view out of the window

Winged Glory

We were there early, so there wasn't
a huge crowd.

Notre Dame de Paris

La Musée D'Orsay:

It used to be a train station, and you can go up
about 8 escalators to the top.

Mr. Bean made her famous, in my humble opinion.
(My professor also mimicked Rowan Atkinson today;
it was spot-on and hilarious.)

There were so many beautiful Degas paintings.